Monday, May 28, 2007

New Dream Fucking Capabilities

More hallway hacking, like my rooming house noisestalkers of my last residence location, has resulted the moment I read the following passage (link) and compare it to my experiences this morning:
Incidentally, Eccles, [53], postulates that in sleep the modules of the brain become closed to the influence of mind, although some may remain open during dreaming.
My experience was some horrid dreams this morning and learning anew that my normal safety valve of waking up to get me out of the dream when perturbed was fucked with. That is correct, the sickos can now keep me in a planted dream at their leisure, subverting my own neural protective mechanisms. I am pissed that I was fucked with, especially when these abilities are autonomous and don't serve the usually physical manipulation fuckery of making me put on my underwear backwards, another stunt to get me riled up first thing this morning. But the fuckers did let me have a normal sleep duration of 8 hours, and if they think I need dream fucking time, I will take 7 hours instead without being jerked around in my dreams. I can't trust these assholes at anything, and now they have extra capabilities to fuck me over while sleeping and being potentially terrorized by their planted dreams.

I am getting the siren noise stalking as I type this; the assholes are making this city and its emergency calls to be a constant social problem, which is as far from the reality in this town one can get. With an entrenched perps force in town, likely of at least a few thousand of them, not a scrap of litter in my path goes without being planned for it's color, material/fabric, position, lie and form (crumpled, bent etc.), duration of ......... response to externalities (e.g. wind, sunlight reflection etc.), orientation (often arranged to cover x,y and z coordinates) and the rest of the parameters that they manage for.

And the vagrants seem to get at least three new coats or shirts in short order, in a month or two, and behave most weirdly by leaving their money on the ground and disappearing while the "public" (e.g. more operatives and shills) walks by.

More outside noisestalking has erupted in the form of some kind of metal bashing, this time with a simultaneous left leg zap. This "erupting" while I read a book review of Stephanie Coontz, which is not directly germane to this harassment nightmare, but does cause me to wonder what could the connection be. And as always, the very act of linking gets noisestalked, this time with the ubiquitous heavy duty equipment that purports to cruise by with such frequenct.

The masers are all over my visual field, and were since I awakened and opened my eyes. I usually get pixel games in my "vision" if my eyelids are closed lying in bed, today it was apple green interlaced with yellow and blue. Anytime I am up, the forced eyelid closures are accompanied by a red flash, their one way to pull this stunt as they see fit. In other words, as soon as I am awake, there is every incentive to get up immediately to thwart any more "eyelid vision" fuckery. Once awake, I got the maser zingers, the fuzzy grey balls that flit about in formation, and the maser trails, filamentous wisps of magnetic energy that drift about, sitting in the air in front of me, and re-positioned to appear as a vision perturbance should I move my head. And if I move my head quickly, then the perps catch up to my vision to deliberately place them in the same vision locations as before. I see these in the mirror rountinely, so they are not a neurological aberration.

In fact, the activity of shaving is still of intense interest to the perps, and there are regular emanations of wispy maser trails coming off my face, and slowing travelling toward the mirror, often timed such that the razor passes through the maser field. Another variant of the objective is to place the maser precisely in the location that I want to see, usually in a vertical orientation, to test some left-right vision detection I suspect.

This is the post-lunch period of being under the perp's microscope. They have me half asleep while reading about parapsyhcology, and then started up the glass bottle bashing from the right side (hallway) and simultaneous tapping from outside on the left. By my take, they were working up to this by having considerable traffic noise for the preceding hour (after lunch) and then resorted to the percussive types of noises for which object vibration is coincident. This is all very exciting for the perps, just more fucking around by organized nutters by my reckoning.

More sleepiness and overhead pounding; time to pack this session up.

An early tea with the vaunted chocolate, a sore point with the perps as I get mind-fucked into purchasing large quantities for a 200g/day "habit", and I cannot afford this. And still, every time I go to the grocery store, I get mind fucked into purchasing more, all to play brown color games for the perps. Once, in past perp games, I couldn't stand the smell of the substance, just to prove a point that "my" need for chocolate isn't my own. Someone else requires that I consume it to continue the brown color pranks that are near ubiquitous (crumbs on face, pixellated displays in my vision etc.)

A new stunt was to put some of the foil packaging directly in my mouth while eating the chocolate. I know for sure that it was not on the square that I had picked up, and then this piece "just arrived" in my mouth to create the need to pull it out. Then the fuckers wouldn't let me roll it up in a ball once in my fingers. They disabled the operation of my fingers for some five seconds. The perps cannot have enough to do if this is the level of juvenility to which they have descended.

The noisescape has been waxing and waning for the last hour, differing sounds ar added in, and others are taken out. Currently, it is overhead pounding and high pitch seagulls with a background of steady heavy duty vehicle noise from outside.

I have been getting more red plasma flashes in my peripherial vision today; there must be something red related they are testing for. I also got barely perceptible fed plasma flash in front of this LCD panel a short time ago. On a few occasions I have been totally innudated with red plasma flashes and spots, though nothing recently in this new apartment, as of May 01, 2007.

So far, post-tea time, I have been allowed to be awake, and not be dragged into a slumbering wakefullness state.

More hallway banter for some unknown cover story outside my door; a male-female act, getting into the act exactly when reading about Neko Case, the altcountry artist. And continued bullshit from the hallway while for the outside, an all-quiet order has gone out.

And to piss me off some more, some kind of electified zappinp on my teeth has started up, and is likely to be a new harassment method as it is so annoying.

A siren cascade is on; this being a Monday, and a regular working day, it is highly unlikely that there are so many emergency vehicles at once at this time. My deliberations on the sonic reality of what I hear has been widely journaled in these blog postings.

A round of overhead pounding (concrete floor) and rumbling (a sliding glass door cover story). Then some ass jabbing in the mix, and some on-off-ing of putative neighbor's water usage.

More overhead pounding in a deeper sound. Coincidentally, a deeper than usual bus noise erupted, likely to augment this noise flurry. It seems the sickos cannot get enough deep sounds under their quaint games of pretend, e.g. having a cover story.

Major ongoing loud vehicles outside, almost a parade of them. I have been doing maintenance on my extensive Bookmarks list of films, and this has been of significant perp interest; ongoing vehicle noise, touch and pressure sensations on my forefeet, coincident and variable vision impairments, and the forehead numbing fuckery I love so much.

Enough adversity today to call this a posting, as the vision impairments are coming on.

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